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Jul 17, 2023


This is the last episode of Feelin Weird!

Welcome to the celebration of LIFE for this podcast.  Gaby, Dagenson, Goose, Producer Kye and I all pay our respects to the podcast--along with MANY other listeners and past guests.  We send the podcast off into the abyss wrapped in LOVE.

My offering to you: listen to this...

Oct 22, 2022

Hillary L. McBride PhD returns (ep 105) to talk owning the tenderness, pain, & wisdom inside; coming back to the self; becoming a parent; grief & joy; and The Wisdom of Your Body.  This is a BEAUTIFUL conversation!

We also talk:
making space for the parts which are still in healing process;

May 17, 2022

In which I sit beside the river and share ideas about decolonizing the inner landscape, slowing down & shifting the Emotional Climate-Change (within every humyn on this planet).

Also discussed:

Grieving and celebrating as part of honouring life;

Carrying grief from ancestors;

Sensitivity as a gift to humyns;
